May 19, 2020

Lower Co-Pay with Tier 1 Providers

UnitedHealthcare offers additional savings to members with Tier 1 Providers.

Look for the Tier 1 blue dot. Save money!

Most of us are used to referring to physicians as being in-network or out-of-network. In our health care plan, those terms still apply, but UnitedHealthcare (UHC) has added another level of savings by identifying Tier 1 providers within the network who offer the same level of service at a lower copay.

How do I find a Tier 1 Provider?

UHC made it easy to identify a Tier 1 Provider online by placing a blue dot near their name. Tier 1 providers may include doctors, specialists and other health care providers that are recognized for providing value in health care delivery.

The next time you need service, consider a Tier 1 doctor, specialist or facility to receive the same service at a lower cost.

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