November 30, 2021

Juan Gonzales, Programmer, Action Stainless & Alloys, Houston, TX

What is Ergonomics?

Tips for sitting and standing, at home or at work, that can have a big impact on your overall well-being.

Ergonomics is easily defined as the study of how people work in their environment. Whether they’re sitting or standing, at home or at work – applying these 10 basic ergonomic principles can have a big impact on your overall well-being.


  1. Work in a neutral position – sitting, standing or moving throughout the day; keep your body in a neutral posture to minimize strain on the back.
  2. Decrease the need for excessive force – identify tools or strategies that can lighten the load and decrease the weight you’re pushing/pulling/lifting.
  3. Keep materials within easy reach – items you need to reach often should be within your reach envelope (to determine your reach envelope, extend your arms and outline a semicircle in front of you).
  4. Work at the proper height – a work surface that’s too high or too low can strain the back, neck and shoulders.
  5. Reduce unnecessary motions – manual repetition can cause overuse injuries.
  6. Minimize fatigue caused by static load – when a job requires holding the same position for an extended period, like standing in one place or holding your shoulders above your head, it can cause muscle fatigue.
  7. Minimize contact stress – sometimes called pressure points, these can cause discomfort over time. Wearing gloves when using a nail gun or using an anti-fatigue mat when standing on hard surfaces may reduce the discomfort.
  8. Leave adequate clearance – have enough room for your head, knees and feet; remove overhead obstructions; have a clear view of what’s going on around you.
  9. Move and stretch throughout the day – whether sitting or standing, staying in one position for too long isn’t healthy. It may help to stretch before beginning a strenuous task.
  10. Keep your environment comfortable – pay attention to lighting      temperature, vibration and noise; dress appropriately for          weather and wear hearing protection when tools and              machinery create excessive noise.


The most common injuries related to improperly using your body to complete tasks are back injuries. These injuries can be avoided when you understand the appropriate ways to use your body to lift/move objects. Remember to maintain your posture while standing and sitting to keep the back’s natural curve – and follow the tips illustrated below for lifting, carrying or moving objects.

Safety First. Always. And, it starts with me.

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