August 15, 2024

Your Vote Matters.

August 26 is Women’s Equality Day – celebrating the day women were given the right to vote. Your vote matters – in elections, polls, surveys, call for nominations and more. Exercise that right.

2024 is a presidential election year and a good reminder for all of us to exercise our right to vote. Let your voice be heard.


Voting is a fundamental expression of your voice and values. Every election (or poll, survey, call for nominations, etc.) is an opportunity for you to shape the future of your community, your Company and your country.


Here at Olympic Steel, we ask for your input throughout the year and we genuinely want to hear what you have to say. If you haven’t participated in any of the following before (or if it’s been a while), consider dusting off the keyboard to share your thoughts, cast a nomination or recognize a coworker.


  • Chairman’s Citizenship Award: Call for nominations in January each year
  • Chairman’s Citizenship Employee’s Choice Award: Voting begins in February each year
  • Annual Surveys: In recent years, we’ve offered the Company Culture Survey, a Safety Survey, and various ‘pulse surveys’ to collect your feedback. Consolidated results are shared as soon as possible following a brief review period.
  • Fe Award of Excellence: Submit nominations any time; recognition received quarterly
  • Town Hall Survey: Feedback requested quarterly; scan the code at the end of the Town Hall meeting slides. The 2Q Town Hall meetings will be completed during the month of August.
  • Annual Poka Yoke Contest: Submit the great ideas completed throughout the year, so you can be entered into the contest and recognized for your hard work.
  • Contests throughout the year: Participating in these events tells us they’re worth having. Join the contest. Track the steps. Submit a photo. Complete the Financial Wellness Challege. Do all the things. Your engagement is a vote to continue engagement activities.
  • Open-Door Policy: In addition to structured requests for feedback, you can submit feedback any time, according to our Open-Door Policy (Section 3.2 in the Olympic Steel Employee Handbook).



Your grandparents likely told you to never talk politics, so we won’t. But political elections are an important part of our nation’s history and essential to maintaining our freedoms and our future, so let’s not completely avoid the subject.


Olympic Steel has a Voting Leave available, outlined in section 6.8 of the Employee Handbook. Read the full policy on OSSIE; below are a few key points – please reach out to your Regional HR Manager with questions:


  • Employees are encouraged to vote during non-working hours, if possible, since polls in most states are typically open before and/or after most shifts.
  • Unless required by law, voting leave is unpaid.
  • Employees who need time off of work to vote are asked to provide their supervisor with at least 24-hours advance notice. The time should be taken at the beginning or end of the shift.
  • If you do not have an approved Voting Leave and you miss part of your scheduled shift to vote, you will accumulate points for tardies and absences per your Attendance Policy.
  • Where additional state/local laws apply, please see your Regional HR Manager.



Here are some links that should help get you started.

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