May 28, 2021

Ladies Who Lead in Work-Life Balance

Advice from three women, and mothers, who have found a way to balance their responsibilities at work and at home.

Some days she has no idea how she’ll do it, but every single day, it still gets done.

This perfectly describes the strength and tenacity mothers possess. During a month dedicated to mothers, we are honored to feature three women who have found a way to balance their home-life and work-life, even while they face challenges that test their limitations.

Kim Stiemke, Purchasing & Materials Manager, Olympic Steel – Chambersburg, PA

Nineteen years ago, Kim Stiemke started her career at Olympic Steel’s Chambersburg Division. She’s had numerous roles in the past two decades, but enjoys her current position as Purchasing & Materials Manager the most. Kim is always willing to learn something new and help others – at work and at home.

“My role as an Olympic Steel employee and as a Mom are quite similar,” Kim says. “I think being a mama gives us extra strength and the ability to multitask.” Her husband and four children (14 years old, 12 years old, 9 years old and almost 2 years old) are her entire world. Being a mother is rewarding but not without challenges.

In addition to keeping up with usual schedules associated with active children, one of Kim’s children is autistic. She often uses lunch breaks or commute times to manage personal and work-related business. “COVID has 100% added an extra layer of juggling as my three school-aged kids are ALL e-learning,” Kim emphasizes. “Keeping up with all their google classrooms, zooms and parent pickups at the school for new books and papers each month, while managing my workload and schedule can create stressful situations.”

Her advice to others who may find themselves in similar situations is to take each day as it comes. “When you’re looking at your to do list and it’s overwhelming, only focus on what you are working on right that moment,” Kim says. And if she starts to worry too much, she recalls the advice her Dad gave her – don’t worry about the things she can’t control.

Having control is helpful, but it’s important to be able to go with the flow. “Most of us begin each day with a plan for how the day with go, but often, we’re derailed by something along the way,” Kim says. “Moms are masters at going with the flow. Nine times out of 10, we will get everything we need to get done each day before our head hits the pillow, even if it means firing off an email at 8:30 PM.”

“My days are wild, exhausting, challenging, amazing and so rewarding,” Kim explains. “And, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Jen Gea, Business Analyst Senior, Olympic Steel – Bedford Heights, OH

This July, Jen Gea celebrates 24 years with Olympic Steel. She started at the Cleveland Division in the traffic department and then moved to inside sales. After almost 5 years on the inside sales desk, she was promoted to an Account Manager position servicing Northeast Ohio. After 4 years, she accepted an opportunity in the MIS department as a Sr. Business Analyst, implementing ERP systems with a strong focus on the sales side of the business in all Olympic Steel locations.

Working moms need flexibility in their schedule, and Olympic Steel understands a mother’s dedication to her family and her job. “Balancing work and life can be challenging at times,” Jen says. “Kids get sick, have doctor’s appointments and school or athletic activities. There are times I need to adjust my work schedule to take care of those things, so I maintain open communication with my manager as far in advance as possible.”

On occasion, Jen needs to travel for work. “Business trips can also present extra challenges, especially when both parents must travel for their job.” She explains, “My husband and I communicate and plan accordingly, so someone is always here for the kids. This requires flexibility and preparation, and it’s what helps us work through this obstacle.”

When asked for any advice that may help other women facing similar situations, Jen says, “Surround yourself with others who are like-minded. It helps to talk to other moms facing similar situations. They can cheer you up, provide tips and most importantly, listen when you need it most.”

Katie Vargo, Slitter Operator, Olympic Steel – Minneapolis, MN

This month, Katie Vargo celebrates 9 years working at Olympic Steel’s Minneapolis, MN division. She started working on 3rd shift as the Wood Shop Coordinator. After about two years, she had a conversation with her Foreman about other opportunities at the division. She soon learned to assemble stainless steel kits and operate a crane, the Bradbury leveler and the Rowe. In 2019, she moved to 1st shift as a Slitter Assistant and is now a Slitter Operator.

“I’ve moved around a lot through the years and have had the opportunity to work with a lot of nice people. I have been on the Safety Committee for years, and I am part of the training program,” Katie says. “There are always new things to learn and ways to get involved on the floor.”

Outside of work, Katie is also on the go. She is a single mother of two small boys, ages 3 and 5. “I commute from 45 minutes away, and the car ride helps me adjust from Slitter Operator to Mom.”

Katie believes having a schedule and knowing when to ask for help allows her to balance her roles as an employee and a mother. “I am very lucky to have wonderful and supportive family and friends who help me out when I need it,” she says.

Most importantly, Katie believes you need to schedule free time for yourself. She enjoys reading, outdoor activities or simply relaxing during her downtime. “You need to have a full cup when you’re also responsible for filling someone else’s.”

Her advice to other women who need to balance different aspects of their lives is to figure out what makes you who you are, do whatever enhances that and say no to everything else. “It is okay to say no and find something that will work for you,” she says. “Knowing your limitations is a strength in the end.”

Kim, Jen and Katie each found ways to be successful and, at the end of each day – get it done. Their dedication to their family and Olympic Steel is an inspiration to others.

The Leading Ladies feature kicked-off in December 2020 with Ladies Who Lead in Our Industry. That month, and each month since, we’ve featured employees who local leaders have identified as positive examples of the talented women building strong careers at Olympic Steel. In a male-dominated industry, it’s important to share stories that inspire other women to keep pushing forward to reach their goals. Know a leading lady who has an inspiring story to tell? Send your referral to

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