June 11, 2020

Fe Award of Excellence: REIMAGINED

A fresh take on our long-standing tradition of recognizing employee excellence.

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve given our Flawless execution (Fe) Award of Excellence employee recognition program a makeover!

What is Fe?

On the periodic table, “Fe” is the symbol for Iron, the most common element on Earth. At Olympic Steel, Fe is the symbol for Flawless execution, our way of recognizing employee excellence in helping our Company grow safely and profitably.

What is the Fe Award?

Each quarter, Olympic Steel employees are encouraged to nominate themselves or their co-workers to recognize projects and initiatives that accomplish at least one of the following objectives:

  • Improve safety
  • Control expenses
  • Perform flawlessly for internal or external customers

So, what’s changed?

We’ve broadened the scope of the award and the types of projects that can earn recognition. In short, we know there are a lot of great initiatives taking place across the Company, and we want to celebrate all of them. Read about previous winners here.

Fe Award Winners receive an award, certificate, gift card for branded Company promotional merchandise and a CASH prize. And, we’ve added a new recognition category. Nominees who earn an Honorable Mention will receive a certificate and gift card for branded Company promotional merchandise.

The 3rd quarter deadline to submit nominations is October 2nd. Submit nominations right now through this link.


Want to know more about the program? Read the Fe Program Overview or contact the HR team with questions at 216.242.2886 (internal extension 19780) or by emailing Corporate.HR@olysteel.com.

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