As a manufacturer, our employees can benefit from understanding GD&T and how they can use that knowledge to provide better services and products to our customers.
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) is a system of defining and communicating design intent and tolerances that helps engineers and manufacturers control variations in manufacturing processes.
As a manufacturer, we have a significant number of employees who can benefit from understanding GD&T and use that knowledge to provide better services and products to our customers. Here are a few examples:
A recent example of the value of this training came from a part Chambersburg was asked to produce for a key customer. The original requirements called for multiple machine set-ups to complete the job. Using their GD&T training, the team requested a fit, form and function review with the customer and determined the part was over-designed. The discussion resulted in a more efficient single setup to run the parts, saving time for the division and allowing for a more accurate customer quote.
Training is Available
In February 2020, Coady Barrie, Corporate Quality Assurance Manager, began scheduling online GD&T training through Engineer Essentials. He works directly with the company to request a training license, track participant progress and support participants throughout the program.
“Participants have six months to complete the course,” Coady explains. “Some finish quickly, some take longer, but the beauty of an online program is that everyone can complete the classes at their own pace.”
The training started with the Chambersburg, PA division and was offered across the Company when Coady saw the immediate benefit, primarily for divisions with fabrication capabilities. Today, there are 20 employees enrolled in the course.
GD&T training is available any time because the program is online and done at your own pace. To complete the course and earn continuing education credits, participants watch videos then take a test.
If you’re interested in participating in this program, let your Supervisor know about your continuing education goals. Then, reach out directly to Coady Barrie at 216.682.0563 (internal extension 10245) or to learn more about the program and if it’s right for you.
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