November 24, 2019

Get Certified to Train, Coach and Inspire Others at Work

Our new training program means you can become a certified trainer who can educate and inspire new employees in your division.

We’ve always been big on training at Olympic Steel, but now our training program has advanced to the next level. That’s because we’ve rolled out a new program where YOU can get certified to train others. That’s right, you can grow your leadership skills, share your knowledge and help others to grow, too. As a certified trainer, you will be able to train newly hired employees using programs and tools designed specifically for the operations and processes at your division.

This Train the Trainer program was designed by training and development experts on our team: Cassy Powers, Mandy Mamick and Rachel Williamson. It’s an interactive learning program, which means it’s a whole lot more than classroom training. Participants learn the skills they need through multiple platforms: one-on-one and group activities, listening to TED Talks, demonstrations and hands-on practical applications and more.

Here’s how it works: After a full day interactive learning session, you will have an opportunity to present your own follow-up training demonstration a month later. After successfully completing both parts of the training program, you can earn the Certified Training Olympian certificate of completion and a shirt designed as a gift to you.

So far, this program has been tested with employees from the Minneapolis Coil and Plate divisions with great success. These pilot groups helped refine the training to ensure it’s the best it can be. Overall, participants from this group gave positive feedback:

  • Eddie Crumpton: “This wasn’t an ordinary, boring listen-all-day training. They had you up and about doing activities and practicing everything we learned with each other.”
  • Curt Olsen, Operations Manager, Minnesota Plate: “Our new Certified Training Olympians have really taken ownership of training our new employees. They use the procedure to ensure we have really well-trained employees.”
  • Travis Paukert, Plant Manager, Minnesota Coil: “It’s great having a dedicated trainer for our new employees. On top of training our new employees, our Certified Training Olympians are taking ownership of our full training program.”

After the pilot program, we launched part one of the program at our Streetsboro, Cleveland and Dover, Ohio facilities. Our goal is to bring the Certified Training Olympian program to every division by the end of 2020.

Are you ready to grow your leadership skills and train, mentor and inspire others? Contact Mandy, Rachel or Cassy to learn more, and sign up for the program at your division today.

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