July 6, 2022

Human & Organizational Performance (HOP) Training is Changing How We Think About Safety

Olympic Steel’s Minneapolis, MN team is leading the way with Human and Organizational Performance workshops aimed at changing the way we think about the workplace and our Safety performance.

In late May, the Minneapolis, MN division hosted a HOP Fundamentals training course, led by Bob Edwards. HOP is short for Human and Organizational Performance and has five basic principles:

  • People make mistakes
  • Blame fixes nothing
  • Context drives behavior
  • Learning and improving are vital
  • Leader response matters

Participants included employees who work in the warehouse, office and as part of the management team. The program targets the foundation of our safety culture of learning, helping participants rethink how we look at safety. “HOP teaches us to shift our focus towards operational learning and follow the process. It also teaches us how important context is when trying to understand an event and come up with solutions,” explains Tony Dominic, Director – Safety, Health and Environment.

The goals of Operational Learning are to work together to:

  • Get a holistic view of how our processes are working
  • Remove unacceptable goal conflicts
  • Reduce known error traps
  • Expand on what helps create success
  • Build stronger and more sustainable defenses to improve the reliability and resilience of operations

Edwards will return to the Minneapolis division in late July to facilitate a 3-day follow-up training with the group.

Interested in HOP training?

If you’d like to learn more about this program, participate in training or schedule a group training for your team, please reach out to Tony Dominic, Director – Safety, Health and Environment, at Tony.Dominic@olysteel.com or x19630.

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