March 25, 2022

It’s All Hands on Deck to Reduce our TRIR

Our Total Recordable Incident Rate, what you can do to help reduce the number and a testimonial from a long-time CTI employee who wants you to learn from his injury.

When we look at the number of recordable incidents/illnesses for January and February 2022, we’ve already exceeded the average number of incidents per month of 2021.

  • 2019 Avg OSHA Recordable incidents/Month = 9.2
  • 2020 Avg OSHA Recordable Incidents/Month = 4.5
  • 2021 Avg OSHA Recordable Incidents/Month = 7.3
  • Jan 2022 OSHA Recordable Incidents = 11
  • Feb 2022 OSHA Recordable Incidents = 4

Granted, the past few years have been atypical due to the pandemic, but this is a trend we do not want to continue throughout 2022. While we’re doing so many things right to remain focused on identifying and eliminating hazards in our workplace, injuries are still occurring that could have been prevented.

What Can We Do?

Reducing the number of incidents is not as easy as just not getting injured. We perform work in a high-risk environment EVERY DAY! To minimize our risks, we need everyone to do the following:

  • Identify and correct unsafe conditions in the workplace.
  • Bring safety continuous improvement ideas to your Safety Committee.
  • Follow the safety rules for the job/task being performed (JSA, LOTO, PPE etc).
  • Raise a hand prior to doing a job/task if something doesn’t appear safe or if you have a safety concern.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility – please look out for yourself and your coworkers. Reminding your teammate to follow procedures and wear required PPE (or even getting a friendly nudge to do the same yourself) is not a bad thing. You never want to be the person after an accident thinking “I could have prevented that” or “I wish I would have said something.”

Our Focus in 2022

Injuries to the hand, finger or thumb are the most common injuries we’ve seen so far this year. In February, your Supervisor shared the stats and some additional information (in English and in Spanish) to help you be more aware of what you can do to prevent these types of injuries.

Click here to watch a testimonial video from a Chicago Tube & Iron employee who recently suffered from a hand injury and is sharing his story so others can learn from the experience.


Safety First. Always. And, it starts with me.

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