October 5, 2022

Performance Management: Reflect. Plan. Proceed.

Reviewing our performance, individually and as an enterprise, and preparing for the new year begins now.

Performance Management is a process that helps us set clear, achievable goals and establish an effective path to develop our skills and our career. Performance Management is a customized career road map – plotting a course from hire to retire.

We were On the Move in 2022. And, in 2023, we’ll continue that momentum. Soon, we’ll announce the Enterprise Objectives for 2023. In the meantime, let’s review the process and how each of our goals can help us achieve our Enterprise Objectives.

Questions? Need help?

This was our first full year using the new Performance Management process. Please send your questions or feedback for the process. Remember, the process is only effective when it’s fully utilized – make the most of the PM process by reaching out for help when you need it. Contact our Corporate HR team at Corporate.HR@olysteel.com or 216.242.2886.

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