October 5, 2022

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

Staying safe online is about making good choices and being aware of threats – professionally and personally.

This year, during Cyber Security Awareness month, do you See Yourself in Cyber?

Although cybersecurity may seem complex, online experiences are safe or unsafe because of the choices people make while online. When you See Yourself in Cyber, you recognize that by making smart decisions on the job, at home or at school you can limit the potential threats to your online security.

Here are four things you can do immediately to protect yourself from potential threats:

  • Enable Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Use Strong Passwords
  • Recognize and Report Phishing
  • Update Your Software

What to find out if you’ve been part of a data breach? Visit haveibeenpwned.com to check if your accounts have been compromised.

As an organization, Olympic Steel employs these security tactics and more to keep employees and the Company protected from threats to our security. But we’re only as strong as the people who choose to adhere to the security measures in place.

This month, if you’re not already following our social pages (linked below), you’ll want to. We’ll be featuring Jaylen Grubbs, System Monitoring Specialist II, as he breaks down the list above and offers his one single piece of advice for you to stay safe online.


Safety First. Always. And, it starts with me.

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