October 5, 2023

Safety Survey Take-Aways

We completed our first Safety Survey earlier this year. Here’s a high-level look at what we heard from YOU!

We had almost 75% participation in our first Safety Survey in April. That’s a great response to our request for feedback related to all things Safety – across the company and locally at your division. There’s a lot of information to dig into, and you’ll see more after a thorough analysis, but for now we’ve divided the feedback into four main categories.


  • COMMUNICATION – This was the largest category of feedback. Employees would like more communication overall from local leadership. As well as an increase in the amount of information shared. Employees are also hoping for Olympic Steel to continue to improve the methods of communication and “person-to-person” communication.
  • WALKING THE WALK – When it comes to Safety, Managers and Supervisors set the example by consistently following and enforcing safety rules. Feedback asked that Leaders help keep Safety top of mind – even during a hard production run or other business challenges and help model putting Safety first. Always.
  • TRAINING – Employees would like to see improved training for new hires, as well as refreshed, dynamic training materials to get employees engaged and help land the messages.
  • CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT – Suggestions included: rotating signage, getting new signage, engaging with employees, getting feedback from those who do the work, asking employees to participate in committees and auditing and refreshing Safety initiatives.

You might notice that some of the areas mentioned above are currently outlined in our 2023 Safety Action Plan. We’ll analyze our current progress and the results of the survey to help develop specific action items for our 2024 Safety Action Plan.


Want to learn more?

If you have questions about the survey results or how to be part of the progress moving forward, please reach out to your local Safety contact or Tony Dominic, Director – Safety, Health, and Environment at Tony.Dominic@olysteel.com or x19630.



Safety First. Always. And, it starts with me.

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